Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas


Well its Friday, 22 December and I am sitting all by myself at work. The boss is in Colorodo and the rest of the staff is off. Offically today is a half day work day. But the boss never remembers so he told everyone we were off today. Since I'm taking all of next week off I didn't feel I should leave the office "unmanned" today.

I've been working on a scarf and poncho this week. Should finish the poncho over the weekend, not sure about the scarf. I was invited to join Carol Venture's new Tapestry Crochet group. I had made two purses using her technique and although I have several project to finish (including sweet potatoe!) I am tempted to start another purse using the Tapestry technique.

Hope to post more pictures this weekend

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Precious Pals

Members of the Charlotte Knitting Quild clothed bears and donated them to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Domestic Violence Department. Here is a group picture

Here is a picture of the bears I contributed

Thanks again for the bears! Everyone was looking at them this morning! They loved them! Everyone did a great job! We truly appreciate them and will put them to good use!

Domestic Violence Crisis Intervention Counselor
Providence/South/Independence Divisions
Domestic Violence Unit - Family Services Division
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department

Friday, December 01, 2006

Crocheter's Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas and all around me
There was unfinished crocheting not under the tree,
The stockings weren't hung by the chimney with care'
Cause the heels and the toes had not a stitch there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
But I had not finished the caps for their heads.
Dad was asleep---he was no help at all.
And the sweater for him was 6" too small.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I put down my hook to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash.
Tripped over my yarn and fell down in my stash.

The tangle of yarn that lay deep as the snow
Reminded me how far I still had to go.
When out on the lawn I heard such a noise,
I was sure it would wake up both Dad and the boys.

And although I was tired--my brain a bit thick,
I knew in a moment that it must be St Nick.
Yet what I heard left me very perplex-ed
For nothing I heard was what I expect-ed.

"Move Rowan! Move Patons! Move Koigu and Clover!
Move Shelridge! Move Starmore! Move Spinrite! Move over!
Lopi, don't circle around, just stand there in line.
Pay attention you sheep and you'll work out just fine!
I know this is hard as it's just your first year
But I'd hate to go back to 8 tiny reindeer."

I peered over the sill. What I saw was amazing:
Eight wooly sheep on my lawn all a-grazing!
And then in a twinkle, I heard at the door
Santa's big boots stomping on the porch floor.

I rose from my knees and got back on my feet.
As I turned around, St Nick I did meet.
He was dressed all in wool from his head to his toe
And his clothes were hand crochet from above to below.

A bright Fair Isle sweater he wore on his back.
And his toys were all stuffed in an Aran crochet sack.
His hat was a wonder of bobbles and lace
A beautiful frame for his rosy red face.

The scarf on his neck could have stretched for a mile,
And the socks peeking over his boots were Argyle.
On the back of his mitts was an intricate cable.
And suddenly on one I spotted a small label:

"S.C." in duplicate on the cuff. So I asked,
"Hey, Nick, did YOU crochet all this stuff?"
He proudly replied, "Ho, ho, ho, yes I did.
I learned how to crochet when I was just a kid."

He was chubby and plump, a well dressed old man,
And I laughed to myself, for I'd thought up a plan.
I flashed him a grin and jumped up in the air,
And the next thing he knew, he was tied to a chair.

He spoke not a word, but looked down in his lap
Where I had laid my crochet hook and yarn for a cap.
He began then to crochet, first one cap then 2--
For the first time I thought I might really get through.

He put heels in the stockings and toes in some socks,
While I sat back drinking a scotch on the rocks.
Quickly like magic his hooks they flew,
Good Grief! He was finished by two!

He sprang for his sleigh when I let him go free,
And over his shoulder he looked back at me.
I heard him explain as he sailed past the moon,
"Next year, start your crocheting sometime around JUNE!"